Monday, August 9, 2010

Being Sickly

I've been feeling sickly. It's that time of year. My sinus glads are trying to swallow my head and putting so much pressure on my face that my teeth hurt. Seriously. It took major effort to get to and stay at work today. If I hadn't had two important meetings I'm not sure I would have toughed it out. But that is my life. I have such bad allergies that sometimes I have to suck it up and subject my cube neighbors to the sound of me coughing and sneezing. Sorry folks.

The unfortunate part of this is it has caused me to miss a birthday dinner for one of my best friends. A dinner hosted by her mother who I also consider a good friend that I rarely get to see. Crap. I feel so much regret about it but I just couldn't do it. I spent all day just waiting to get home and not have to sound smart or be sociable. I have to find some way to make it up to her. Suggestions are welcomed.

Anyway, for some reason meatloaf sounded like a perfect "I'm sick" meal. Hearty and classic. And super easy to cook. So that is what is the oven right now. I will say email me if you want a recipe but how much do meatloaf recipes differ really?

I have nothing more. My brain is swimming in icky-ness. Sorry for the lameness. There is another crazy market that I plan on going to so maybe there will be more LAMBS HEAD in the future.

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