Yesterday a haaaauuuuuge (that's dramatic speak for really big) storm blew through Memphis. Actually, it liked dumping water on us so much it came back a second time later in the afternoon and brought its friend hail along with it. So we were stuck in the house most of the day. When it finally stopped raining it actually turned into a nice afternoon.
I got out and went to the grocery store. I have been craving pears and blue cheese, an addiction I blame on my sister (try it if you never have). The little mom and pop store I usually go to down the street doesn't carry either which meant I had to go back to Kroger. This time I tried one on the opposite side of our neighborhood and WIN! It was totally fine. The other shoppers knew what they were shopping for and wanted to do it quickly, therefore I was able to continue breathing at a healthy pace. While there I also got some shredded lettuce. The momma Dingo always uses it to make salads. The bag says it's intended for tacos and such but I love it for salads. Doodle bites people! I also got this odd greek yogurt and honey combo thing. I haven't tried it yet but I'm optimistic.
I don't like the consistency of yogurt or pudding or anything that feels like eating glue (yeah, I was 5 at what time and it smelled like mint, you did it too, don't lie). But in my experience greek yogurt is thinner and I love honey so I'm thinking I'll love this too. I'll let you know how it goes.
The Dingo had to go into work for a little while yesterday so I watched Where the Wild Things Are since he didn't read the book as a kid and wasn't very interested in seeing it. I cried. I still love that story. Who knew James Ganoldini could bring me to tears without gunfire?
Other than that we watched another movie. I wasn't a fan so I'm not going to write about it. We ordered chinese food. Something else I'm not a fan of. So I ate blue cheese and pears. I was a fan of that.
Well, that's about everything interesting that happened yesterday. Oh, Arleen had terrible gas. You really wanted to know that right? I'm about to head to the tanning bed and figure out what to get the Dingo to put on the grill for dinner. We have some deer sausage but that's not enough for my carnivore. Wait, I just said tanning bed and dead bambi in one paragraph. I've offended someone right? Sorry. But I have engagement pictures coming up (tan) and the Dingo is from North Mississippi, deer happens. Thanks uncle J and the family Dingo!
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