Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Magical Cats

The Dingo is currently searching the house for some fancy knife he used to work on the house yesterday. (And by searching, I mean he just looked behind the microwave. Yes, Dingo, that is where you decided to keep your knife.) Anywho, here is a conversation inspired by "there is a lake under the house" death 2010.

Dingo: How is there cat crap under the house?
Doodle: Well, I assume a cat had to use it while it was under our house. There are a lot of cats in the neighborhood.
Dingo: There is no way for a cat to get under our house!
Doodle: Oh...
Doodle: I don't know Dingo. I suppose we have magical crap cats. That's all I can tell you.

We don't own cats by the way. But several of our neighbors seem to be cat people so there are a lot around.

Tonight in order to make up for the junk we have eaten this week we had grilled chicken and roasted veggies. And this time I did not burn the chicken. And that being said, I didn't burn the chicken the last time either. I burnt the marinade onto the pan, the chicken was fine. (Dingo, I am talking to you!)

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