Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ants in the Pants

The Dingo and I haven't been our usual comedy of errors this week. Both of us have been busy at work (his work much harder/more physically challenging than mine) and I've been a little cranky from my furnace fueled insomnia. So instead of the usual Dingo/Doodle conversations it has been cut down to grunts and "what movie do you want to watch." Today I think we have hit the loony bin side of tired.

Dingo: Look what I got today!
Doodle: Is that one of those things that you spray inspectacide with?
Dingo: Inspectacide?
Doodle: Yeah, that's what it looks like.
Dingo: Well, it sprays insecticide but I'm sure if they ever come up with inspectacide it could spray that too.

The other night I ran across a couple of ants in the house, at which point I freaked out and began convincing the Dingo that if we didn't do something NOW they would take over the house while we slept and we would wake up in a bed filled with ants. So, at about 10 o'clock at night I had the Dingo lurking around the house in the dark spraying for bugs. I guess he decided to buy his new "toy" today to spray something industrial enough that that situation never happens again. Oh, and to raise my excitement about the contraption he stated, "Doodle, it's blue!" Great.

I suppose the good news is that we should be inspect free for a while.

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