Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dingo and Doodle Sat. Fun: Episode 4

The little brother came in town this weekend and brought his super adorable, awesome girl-friend D along with him. I'm so excited to spend some time with them. The Dingo has actually never met the LB before. LB lives up north and the last time he was in town the Dingo was out of town. They hit it off right away. Mostly they bonded over the fact that if I don't get my way I tend to "beat them up." (This actually involves me weakly smacking them enough to be annoying.) This continued when we went to dinner with my parents, sister and her boyfriend, B. At some point the conversation turned to OMG Doodle will kick your ass if she doesn't get her way. Whatever.

Today we took them to our favorite bbq place for lunch. The weather has been terrible. The LB supposedly brings rain wherever he goes. Music Fest people, you can address him about your mud covered clothing. He said it, not me. They are currently at a wedding that was the cause for their visit. I felt like a mom on prom night taking pictures of the adorable, dressed-up couple before they left, sending them off with a GPS with their destination already typed in so they wouldn't get lost.

So now the Dingo and I are bumbling around the house. Currently he is bothering the poo out of me singing the same line of one song over and over and over again. I swear, the man only takes in one line per song and then repeats it. AL is in town for a frisbee golf tournament and will be at the house soon, probably soaking wet and stinky just like the last time. If you had told me 10 years ago that our friends would think, "If I go to the Doodle and Dingo's house Doodle will wash my clothes and give me a hot meal," I would have told you you were crazy. But that is the current situation. AL will get here and I will give him dry clothes and wash the dripping ones he is wearing so he will be fresh for the trip back in the morning. I have become my mother. And I don't consider that a bad thing.

The Dingo and I are about to finish watching Avatar. Neither of us can sit still through the whole thing so we have split it up (we are easily distracted). Later the LB and D will be back and AL will be here and I'm sure the ensuing events will make my head hurts tomorrow. I'm going into brainless mode now. Later.

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