Thursday, May 20, 2010

And We're Back

I've been markedly absent from here for a few days. So, I will recap what has been going on that has kept me away from the computer. It has also kept me away from sleep, so if this is incoherent please forgive me.

To start, last weekend we had friends in town again. I love having them but it is hard to excuse yourself from hosting to type on the computer. But on to the rest...It's a long story so I am going to try to be brief.

I'm a total crazy person. An over upgrade of some of doggy Arleen's seizure meds resulted in a totally drugged out dog that could barely stand on her own. I called the doc and he simply said cut back on her meds and wait a couple of days, it will get better. I, however, decide to still freak out and decide she is dieing. After a trip to the emergency vet, a sleepless night listening to her breathe, another trip to her primary vet and several hundred dollars we got a result; I'm a total crazy person. She really did just have too many meds and needed some time to get it out of her system. As of now she is a little sluggish but mostly back to herself. Lord help us all when I have a child. (Note: Thanks to Granny for the money for my freak out. The doggy Arleen and I are sure glad you love us so much.)

If I had written between the last post and now it would have just said OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING. Not very entertaining.

Doggy Arleen is currently sleeping it off and I'm (mostly) convinced the world will turn another day. However, I'm exhausted. Hopefully with some rest I'll be a bit more interesting. Plans for the weekend are to hang out with the Dingo at home. We may go register on Sunday. We shall see.

Sorry if this post is lame. I'm tired. Just missed being here and wanted to touch base. I'll be back in full swing tomorrow.

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